Saturday, May 9, 2020

Corporal Punishment And Its Effect On School Children

Every effort is made to distribute our findings so that all of the public cannot ignore the wholesale infliction of pain and suffering onto our school children, and the role â€Å"paddling† schools play in teaching our children that physically aggressive and coercive resolutions of conflict are legitimate. Contributing to the problem of violence by making children feel rejected and isolated, corporal punishment is unsafe in and of itself, but its discriminate application may be co-incident with problems unique to racial and gender identity and esteem, as well as academic and social confidence and competence. Through familiarity, or the result of apathy or biased reasoning, people apparently can become accustomed to disproportionality. Most of us seem to accept as legitimate the percentages of involvement in retributive punishment that would be, in the opinion of this author, the most astounding overrepresentations. These corporal punishment figures and their proportions are not secreted away, outside of public view. Yet they seem to lack sufficient general interest to sustain public concern over the issue. Through generations of exposure, it seems that we casually accept the presumption that any penalty imposed by our institutions must, therefore, fit an offense for which that penalty is just. This is the conclusion that we believe the fellow students who are exposed to paddlings draw: if one of society’s representatives of authority is striking someone, then he or sheShow MoreRelatedEffect of Corporal and Non-Corporal Punishment on Academic Achievement of Elementary School C hildren with Reference to Gender and Board of Education1808 Words   |  8 PagesEffect of Corporal and Non-Corporal Punishment on Academic Achievement of Elementary School Children with Reference to Gender and Board of Education S.V.Sindhu and Mahjabeen The present investigation attempts to study the effect of corporal and non-corporal punishment on academic achievement of elementary school children with reference to gender and Board of education. A random sample of 180 elementary school children belonging to the age group of 10 years, both boys and girls hailing from CBSERead More Corporal Punishment in Schools Essay1340 Words   |  6 PagesCorporal Punishment in Schools I wrote this paper for Contemporary Moral Issues class. This was an assignment of our choice and I chose to do this topic, because the week before in Intro to Education we had discussed discipline methods and I was astonished to learn that corporal punishment still existed in schools. I am hoping that by including this piece of work on my webfolio others will become aware that corporal punishment is alive and used often in our schools. In theRead MoreEffectiveness of Corporal Punishment1320 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction â€Å"Hitting people is wrong – And children are people too† (Hammarberg, T. 2007). It is often very difficult to decide what form of punishment is most efficient in eliciting avoidance behaviors. For a number of years the debate about the use and effectiveness of corporal punishment by teachers has divided educators, parents and ministry officials. As a result, researchers has tried their best to determine whether punishment or harm to a child does indeed thwart misbehavior and encourageRead More Corporal Punishment Essay895 Words   |  4 PagesCorporal punishment is a very controversial topic that is being discussed amongst educators across the nation. Corporal punishment refers to any physical form of punishment, but in this case it refers to in schools. Currently there are many different terms used to label corporal punishment, for example, it has been called spanking, paddling, caning, lashing, popping, smacking, whipping or beating. Each term carries its own different meaning, but they all represents some form of corporal punishmentRead MoreCorporal Punishment919 Words   |  4 PagesCorporal punishment is a very controversial topic that is being discussed amongst educators across the nation. Corporal punishment refers to any physical form of punishment, but in this case it refers to in schools. Currently there are many different terms used to label corporal punishment, for example, it has been called spanking, paddling, caning, lashing, popping, smacking, whipping or beating. Each term carries its own different meaning, but they all represents some form of corporal punishmentRead MoreCorporal Punishment And Its Effect On Children1708 Words   |  7 Pagesviewpoint on corporal punishment; some of the reviews take a look at who is most affected by corporal punishment in terms of focusing their lens on race, socio-economic status, gender, culture etc. Some also take a critical look at the advantages and disadvantages of corporal punish ment. Some take a look at the widespread of corporal punishment in the US. Cases against corporal punishment and the effect of corporal punishment on children were also looked into. With all the different ways corporal punishmentRead MoreCorporal Punishment in Schools1484 Words   |  6 PagesCorporal Punishment in Schools Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable (Miller, Vandome, amp; McBrewster, 2009). Corporal punishment can be divided into three categories, these include: judicial, domestic and school. For the purpose of this essay we will be focusing on school corporal punishment, the advantages and guidelines to followRead MoreCorporal Punishment Should Be Banned1459 Words   |  6 Pagescourse, it is no surprise that corporal punishment against school going children is one of the most controversial topics throughout the globe, including within political, academic, and general public debates at large. A detailed review of available literature on the topic reveals that the academic discussion is divided into those who argue that corporal punishment is effective and necessary in schools, and those who argue that the risks and disadvanta ges of corporal punishment far outweigh its benefitsRead MoreCorporal Punishment in Schools Should Be Abolished1125 Words   |  5 PagesCorporal punishment in schools should be abolished Corporal punishment has been used in schools as a way of handling disciplinary problems. It refers to school rules which allow students to be punished using physical pain without causing injury. It is believed that using punitive method can promote students’ obedience and reduce problematic behaviour. As a result, it can decrease the number of disciplinary cases and maintain order inside the classroom. Indirectly, it will help to build students’Read MoreThe Effects Of Corporal Punishment On Children932 Words   |  4 PagesChildren and Corporal Punishment Punishing children has been one of the most controversial parenting topics this generation has seen. Physical punishment or corporal punishment is simple defined as the use of physical force with the purpose of initiating pain, but not wound, to teach the proper behavior of a child. Corporal punishment has been used for many centuries in schools and in homes but the use of such techniques have since decreased and are not being used in many places today. Evidence

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